Saturday, October 17, 2009

Good Deed Alert!

I posted a sign at work this evening. It read as follows...

Now accepting winter coats and shoes for low-income, disabled and seniors. Please see your trusty cashier, Pam

One of my regular customers saw it and went home and brought back 4 garbage bags full of coats, hoodies, pants and shoes. She even washed and dried them first. I know this because I was putting them out in the community room just now and the clothes are still warm. She is a wonderful woman who has always helped out whenever she has learned of one of our charitable causes at work. As I said, she is a customer not an employee.

Several other people said they would leave stuff for me over the next week. There have been times that I have given coats to people in the building over the summer and they have been reduced to tears. I see old people walking out in the snow to doctor appointments in houseshoes and moomooes because it is all they have.

If you have something in your closet you don't use anymore, please donate it to a shelter near you. People need this stuff.

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