Monday, April 30, 2012

What Should I Do Today?

Let me elaborate:

1. mop the floor: I haven't been able to mop for a month because of chest pain. I had more over the weekend. I think I am going to talk to the building manager tomorrow about getting some help. (he told me to do this the last time I had problems) Also the last time I did laundry my heart acted up and i had to get Eddie to finish it for me.

2 .I need a shower. Yes, I take one almost everyday but I need to wash my hair and it is a glorious day to sit in the sun and blonderize because you can't use hair color anymore. (can't breathe the fumes)

3. There is a flood of old coupons that are strewn across the truck seat and floor. The wind blew them around and they need to be thrown away and it is a nice easy job to do while I loaf outside.

4. enjoy the beautiful weather

5. read 1633 and play words with friends outside under the gazebo

6. rest some more (tired of it)

7. plant something but I can't figure out what I did with my seeds Over the weekend I gave my mom the cucumber plants that were doing beautifully until I took them out of the house. I also gave her some wax bean seedlings that are doing beautifully and I kept a couple of those for myself.

8. make the bed. but I don't sleep in the bed. Eddie does and he can make it himself.

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