Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Friend Joe

My friend, Joe, had a stroke today. Some of you know him as Joe, the blind pirate. We have been computer room buddies ever since I moved in here. He has been sick lately. He probably had a light stroke a couple of weeks ago but he refused to go to the hospital. His family has been checking on him frequently. His niece gave me her number a couple weeks ago in case I thought I needed to call them.

Today there was a church dinner downstairs. Joe didn't make it down, so I fixed him a plate and took it to his apartment. I knocked on the door and he yelled. So I waited. He didn't come to the door. So, I knocked again and he yelled again, but it was muffled. I really couldn't hear what he was saying. I waited some more. Finally I knocked again and he said, "What day is this?"

"Sunday!" I yelled back and he said, "he would see me tomorrow." I thought this was strange but I left. The more I thought about it the more I knew something just wasn't right. (Joe always lets me in) I called his niece. She rushed over. She called an ambulance. He is at the hospital now. She thanked me profusely for calling.

I told her I was worried that I may have called for nothing. She assurred me that she would not have been mad and not to ever hesitate to call even if I think it's nothing. At this point I don't know if he will be back or if he will end up in a nursing home or worse...

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