Friday, August 3, 2012

Standing up for what's right

Back in the 90's I was at a family reunion. My cousins,Sarah and Jane, and I decided to take advantage of the horseback riding at the park. We drove to the stables and got out to inquire about rates. We were told there was a tour coming in and someone would take us right out.

We walked around the barn which was well kept and looked at the horses in the corral. Everything was fine. I guess I should mention that I was a professional greyhound trainer and my cousin, Jane was a professional horse trainer. (hunting and dressage).

A guide rode in with several people behind him. The horses were obviously tired but seemed to be fine. I wondered why they didn't just get fresh horses from the corral but I didn't think too much about it. Then a very pregnant girl came out of the barn and told us which horse to ride. She went to get the first horse and he started to act up. He was obviously tired and hot and didn't want to be fooled with. She took her fist and punched him full in the face.

I was in shock! I couldn't believe what I had just seen. Then the horse started to act up more. She started punching him more. It took about 10 seconds for me to get my voice and I yelled at her to stop. She looked at me and told me that I didn't know anything about horses and she had to let him know who was boss. I protested and so did my cousins.

She would not listen and continued to rough handle the horse. Finally I told her to stop. I told her if she wasn't pregnant that I would be doing to her exactly what she was doing to the horse.! We walked off and tried to report her to management but they defended her. Once again telling us we knew nothing about horses.

That is when my cousin, Jane, told them she was a professional horse trainer and I was a professional greyhound trainer. They thought we were lying but to give our complaint some teeth we demanded a refund and got one.

I wish there was more we could have done but it was obvious it was a family thing and nothing was going to be done. I do know there have been no horses at the stable for years now.

Wonder Why?

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