Friday, February 10, 2012

February Good Deed Alerts

My uncle gave me deer for Christmas. I couldn't get it because Lee Terrace was giving everyone new refrigerators. Now I have a new refrigerator and I went to get the venison yesterday. Next Lee Terrace is giving us new stoves at the end of the month. I had a good stove and refrigerator. Guess this is the kind of thing they sale at state surplus sales.

I gave deer meat to 5 people yesterday. Also Fruth gave me several large cans of sweet potatoes that went out of date in January. I gave those out with the venison.

My aunt also gave me several bags of frozen leftovers. I distributed most of that as well. I can guarantee anything she makes is GOOD COOKIN'

Shane gave me a couple of bags of clothes the other day. He intended them for me. His wife has lost a tremendous amount of weight. Yah for her!!! If I can't wear the clothes I will give them to others in the building.

Someone left me a bag with a warm blanket and 2 robes to give away. The woman I gave it to the other day stopped me in the hallway wearing one of the robes. She said the blanket was WARM. She is very happy and gave me a hug. The hug was nice but everybody that knows me knows I'm not a hugger.

Fruth has also donated more "damaged" merchandise for the Lee Terrace Bingo. The prizes have been the featured prizes at the last couple of games. Not bad for stuff they would throw away anyway.

I am doing the church newsletter again since I got the new laptop. Some of you may remember the "People of Lee Terrace" series I was doing. I'll be doing that again.

Last but not least my uncle and aunt LOANED me a video camera. Now I can start making my world famous movies again, like the Devil Anse Hatfield Cemetery video that I did. It has 6000 hits on youtube. Of course many less hits on my own blog!

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