Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Memories

I used to look forward to the Easter Egg Hunt every year. The anticipation would build as we colored the eggs with my mom, My brother and sister and I decided which would be the "lucky egg". We always picked the ugliest one. You know the one that you didn't think was taking the dye so you would dip it it a bunch of different colors and it would end up looking like it came out of the sewer or something.

Anyway my dad would help the Easter Bunny hide the eggs. (The bunny was only there for the first round because he had to visit all the children of the world - just like Santa Claus you know.) Then we would half kill each other running out the door to see who could get the most eggs. I never did find the most eggs or the lucky egg for that matter. Even my little sister would find more eggs than me. I was just not a good egg hunter, but I kept plugging along year after year thinking this will be my year and I will win! We would hunt eggs all day long. They would be cracked and peeling and grass would be sticking to them but it didn't matter because it was what you did for Easter.

Our grandparents would go every year and pick out a colored chicken for us. Sometimes we would get ducks. We even got rabbits for a few years. They always died.

Of course we would tear apart our Easter Baskets first thing in the morning. We always tried to talk our mom into buying the pail and shovel baskets so we could use them at the beach. Of course going to the beach was only a dream but we still thought we needed the bucket and shovel.

By the time we would get ready to go to church in our brand new Easter Outfits (the only day of the year that we regularly went to church by the way) we would be sick from all the chocolate and candy. We would leave the house afraid to move lest we mess up our Easter Finery before we made it to one of the grandma's churches. There would be an egg hunt after church which was great.

After church we would go back to a proper Easter Feast prepared by Granny. There would be ham and turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy and corn and half runners and 2 or 3 cakes and more pie and rolls and just generally so much food that it wouldn't fit on the table. The cousins would be running and playing with us. In my case the aunts and uncles would be playing too because they were not much older than we were. It was a great day!

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