Thursday, April 21, 2011

Describe your first day at school ( from It'spamelagain)

I don't know if this was my first day but I know it was close to it. We were in our reading circle and the teacher had put me in first group which meant I knew how to read. Mrs. Stollings was her name.

I was sitting there wondering who told her I could read and thinking that I didn't know how to read and panicking because it was almost my turn. Then my turn came and what do you know, I read my sentence perfectly. I could read! I just didn't know I could read!

The book was one of those Jane and Flip and Betty books. I was so proud of myself.

I should have known I could read. According to my mom I had my own rocking chair and magazine rack full of my books from the time I could walk and talk. Every time we would go to the store she let each of us pick out a toy or candy. She said that my choice was ALWAYS a book.

By the time I was in the 6th. grade I had a huge bookshelf in my bedroom that went from floor to ceiling. By the time I graduated from high school it was full of my books that were cataloged in alphabetical order - just like the library. I had read 98% of them in addition to books from the library and borrowed books from friends.

I was a voracious reader

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