Sunday, March 15, 2009

I Am Mrs. Claus

I have been playing the role of Mrs. Claus for several years at work now. I have several Santa hats and I always wear Christmasy colors. This year I even have a pink santa hat that goes with all of my pink clothes! To top it off my name tag even says "Mrs. Claus" (thanks to Shane by the way who designed a beautiful name tag for me this year)

Several times this year I have looked up to see small children beaming at me. They are usually around 4 or 5 years old and they do not know me. I just happen to look up and I see a little face with eyes glowing and a smile beaming at me. Last night a little girl walked up while I was helping a customer and proceeded to tell me what she wanted for Christmas and about her early birthday presents (turns out her birthday is on the 22nd.) Happily the customer I was helping waited until this little girl was finished talking to me to get what she needed.

It is a pretty special feeling when strange children look at you this way. A few come up and ask me if I am really Mrs. Claus. I always point out to them that it is illegal for me to wear a name tag that has someone else's name one it. This seals the deal for them. I ask them if they want me to deliver a message to Santa for them, and they always do.

My friend Gletta is one of those people who don't believe in telling kids there is a Santa Claus. Last year her little granddaughter was in the store and started to make fun of me and yelling that there was "no such thing as Santa Claus". I of course objected. Gletta actually told her granddaughter that if there was anybody in the world who really believed in Santa Claus then it was me.


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